Projects completed
Interviews per year
and Figures
650 CATI stations
Covering over 30 languages in-house on a day-to-day basis and 40+ languages in total.
B2B groups
(IT, Financial, Senior Managers & Healthcare) & Consumer. Extensive experience with customer satisfaction surveys.
Single point of contact
For all markets involved from an experienced English speaking team.
In-house experts
In programming complex multi lingual and multi-time zone projects.
CATI platform
Integration of our CATI platform with other platforms such as Confirmit or Dimensions. Dialer integration with Forsta, Nebu, Confirmit, Dimensions, NIPO, CfMC, Askia.
Preview and predictive dialling.
GDCC score
Customer sat score of GDCC over the last years is consistently 8.3, NPS rating at 35%.
Quality of fieldwork
As mentioned before, the Quality of fieldwork is one of the most important foundations of the GDCC proposition: all processes within the GDCC call centers are focused on conducting telephonic interviews as effectively and efficiently as possible. Multi-language fieldwork is undertaken with the quality and integrity of data the paramount concern.
GDCC is the only global data company collection service that is able to conduct all 27 EU countries in-house without any outsourcing, using native speakers for all of the markets.