GDCC Quality Facts and Figures
Quality of fieldwork
Quality of fieldwork is one of the most important foundations of the GDCC proposition: all processes within the GDCC call centers are focused towards conducting telephonic interviews as effective and efficient as possible. Multi language fieldwork is undertaken with the quality and integrity of data the paramount concern.
We have a centralized telephonic fieldwork – GDCC offers high-level, quality driven CATI services, across both consumer and business sectors, and has wide experience across many industries. We believe however that it is our dedication to quality interviewing and the `nuts and bolts` of CATI work that has led to our success, rather than a rigid focus on individual industries.

Using native language Interviewers and quality control Evaluators for every country, GDCC ensures daily and ongoing quality checking. Our Interviewers are selected, trained and evaluated by an experienced support team.
All locations operate to identical processes and procedures offering the security of a centralised approach.
We have conducted fieldwork market research in over 50 markets and 40+ languages to date in total. More information on our quality control procedures is available on request.